St Clare School robotics club

Introducing St Clare Robotics Club

We are excited to introduce a pilot St Clare Robotics Club STARTING OCTOBER 4TH. the club is open to 24 Students in Grades 3-5. St Clare Robotics Club will introduce hands on STEM learning and allow students to experience real life engineering challenges by building Lego based robots and by following Lego designed curriculum.


Engineering Through Play

Lego has always been the best toy to build things. With Lego Mindstorm, kids in the St Clare Robotics club will be exposed to basic engineering concepts through Lego Bricks that they are already used to playing with.


 Programming Concepts

Through Lego Block Programming, kids will learn programming concepts such as Variables, Operators, Loops, Events, Control Structures, Sequencing, Logic and Functions.


Discover and Learn Cool Technology

Kids will discover cool technologies and learn how they help today’s robotics and devices to interact with the real world. Kids will experience Touch Sensors, Color Sensors, Light Sensors, Ultrasonic Sensors that measure distance between objects, Gyro Sensors that detect rotation forces, Infra Red Sensors and Beacons to allow robots to move around their environment and complete challenges.


Promote Creativity, Teamwork and Presentation Skills

Kids will discover creativity and design. They will learn teamwork skills and presentation skills and they design their robot creations and present and share their designs with the rest of the class.

$400 Fee Per School Year/Student

$400.00 Fee Will Cover the cost of the Lego MindStorm Sets.

Participating Families May be Asked to contribute other funds in the event that the St Clare Robotics Club decides to participate in competitions or to cover replacement or additional equipment costs.

To Meet Every Friday at 3:30PM (1.5 Hours) in Room 6

The Club will meet every Friday at 3:30PM for 1.5 Hours in class room #6

Taught by Parent Volunteers at St Clare School

Taught by Baik, James and other Parent Volunteers

Using Lego Curriculum

lego designed CURRICULUM

First Class Starting October 4th


September 21 Update: 

Hello Parents,

Thank you for your interest in St Clare Robotics Club.

Baik and I are excited to provide you with the following update:

- We have received all of the Lego Robotics Kits for the Club

- The club classes will be held in Room 6 on the Middle School side

- The first class will be held on October 4th at 3:30PM in Room 6

A total of 19 students have signed up:

3rd Grade: 11 Students

4th Grade: 5 Students

5th Grade: 3 Students

If you indicated that you are able to volunteer to assist with the club, we would appreciate if you could take a short e-learning class so that you have an understanding of what the Lego Mindstorms program is all about:

We understand that you you may wish to volunteer in different capacities and not necessarily as an instructor, but taking this short e-learning course will prepare you to assist in any capacity.

Lastly, if you are able to help us with being an instructor for the class, please let Baik and I know.